"Before using RhinoDox, we relied on Excel spreadsheets and Word templates to manage our bids. Looking back, I can’t believe how we got anything done. The process was slow and inefficient, and we constantly ran into errors and inconsistencies. Since switching to this software, everything has become so much easier. We have all of our data in one place, and the software’s features have eliminated many of the errors ad inaccuracies we used to face. We’re able to bid on more jobs, faster than ever before. I can’t imagine ever going back to our old system."
- Ginger Van Drew, Senior Estimator, Big Horn Plastering
"We worked closely with the RhinoDox team to improve our proposals’ look and layout.  The collaboration led to a remarkable transformation – our proposals became easier to understand and more visually appealing.

One general contractor we bid to was particularly impressed, commenting, “This is the nicest looking proposal I’ve ever seen….Your price is too high (as they always say), but this is great.”

RhinoDox’s expert touch made our proposals stand out and captured the attention of even the most discerning clients.

I wholeheartedly recommend RhinoDox to any subcontractor looking to elevate their proposal presentation and make a lasting impression."
- Chris Davis, VP of Estimating
"As a general contractor at Skyline Construction, our team reviews countless bids each year. RhinoDox’s bid management system has made a significant difference in this process. I can tell when a subcontractor uses RhinoDox because their proposals are clear, concise, and visually appealing which makes them stand out from the competition. Subcontractors using RhinoDox saves us time and energy because we know where to look for the information required to level our bids.  Because of this we prefer working with subcontractors that utilize RhinoDox because their proposals reflect professionalism, quality and we know they have been thoughtful about their response. I highly recommend it to any subcontractor seeking to impress general contractors and secure more deals."
- Andy Macgregor, President, Skyline Construction
"Indispensable time-saver for 1500 project bids per year"
- Geoff Johnson, Director Of Estimating at Heartland Acoustics & Interiors, Inc.
"In my over 20 years in this industry, RhinoDox is the best software we've ever implemented. Working in a high-volume plumbing service business, I used to rely on copying and pasting Word documents, but RhinoDox has transformed our workflow. It’s incredibly fast and has streamlined our proposal process, saving us valuable time. I can't imagine going back to our old methods after experiencing the efficiency and ease of RhinoDox."
- Vickie Seno, Project Executive, Great Lakes Heating and Plumbing Company

Start Bidding with Confidence Today

Better visualize your bid data & win more with RhinoDox.